Playing for Sheridan

Before moving to Canada, I played volleyball in Turkey, and I really wanted to do that here, too. I thought this would be beneficial for me in every way. I saw that Sheridan has a women’s volleyball team, so I decided to join. I found the team manager’s email and I sent her a message to get some information about the team’s routine and rules. After two days, she replied and said, “Yes, you can join our practice,” and she sent me some information. When I saw her email, I was extremely happy and super-excited because that was my dream. My first practice was on September 12, 2022. When I went to the Oakville campus, where the team practice was, I felt so stressed. I’m always a quiet and shy person, so I was worried when I first saw the girls. I thought, “They won’t accept me, they won’t love me, what am I going to do?” However, the practice was really good, and after that I talked with the coaches, who welcomed me to the team. They said, “Yes, you are really good at volleyball, you can join our team.” I was so thrilled that I started to cry. After practice, I changed my mind about the girls because they were so kind, friendly, generous, and I loved them right away. To summarize, after all, I realized that I shouldn’t think negatively no matter what because it affects me a lot psychologically. Also, now I feel more confident when I speak English, and all the girls are so important to me. I have chosen to tell this story because joining the team has affected my life a lot and has changed my perspective in a positive way. 

woman sitting in front of pig
woman sitting in front of pig
woman sitting in front of pig